Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Funniest Wedding Pictures Ever!!!

I hit a lull while working today and I thought "I need something to lift my spirits up". I decided to approach my good friend Google images to look at pictures of different features of wedding dresses to inspire my design efforts. I came across a few pictures that I thought were really funny and now I am writing this quick post to share some of them. Let me know which one you thought was the funniest. Here goes...

"Oh get on with it, lets get to the eating part of this shindig"

 " Grope me all you want now buster. That's what you'll be missing since you decided to marry her"

 "Ooops, there goes the wild wedding night I had all planned out"

"Lets embarrass them for making us come to this dumb event"

"I am never going to kiss anyone in my life. Its so gross" We'll revisit this in 10 years

"I always wanted to marry the really long legged type"

"I'm not ddrruunnkk at all, jjjjjust tipsy"

"Check out the bazookas on the one I bagged. Not a boob job in sight"

"Ooh, that feels nice. Are they real?"

"Such a bad idea to get married on the same day as another thousand couples. I think my bride is in a coma"


"Gosh, Limos are so not overrated"
Let me know which one you think is funniest and I hope this lifts up your spirits as it did mine.

Many blessings,

Lisa xxxx

Estilo Moda Bridal
Bridal Shops in Milton Keynes

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