Friday, August 10, 2012

Hilarious and Low Cost Wedding Entertainment Ideas

Every time a bride comes in for a wedding dress design consultation at our Milton Keynes studio, I ask what she would like her guests to say about her wedding. The word 'fun' always comes up.  Brides tell me all the time that they want their guests to go away from their weddings feeling that they have had an absolutely fantastic time.

So why, in many cases, is the wedding entertainment not thought about until very close to the day and sometimes not at all?  Now I can tell you that this is a huge mistake because I have been to certain weddings where I have thought to myself 'I have probably had more fun sitting in the waiting area at my dentists than I am having right now'.

Besides the usual excitement of the walk down the aisle, tearful exchange of vows, throwing rice, couples entrance to reception and endless toasts; before the drunken gyrating on the dance floor begins, many a wedding has failed to keep guests entertained on what may be a full day's outing for them.

While I think it may be a bit desperate to go to criminal lengths like the bride in our 'Wedding Budget Nightmares' article did, we have some really funny and budget savvy ideas that may set you on your way to creating a day full of belly laughs for your guests.


Everyone has a friend or cousin who leaves everyone in stitches with every word that comes out of his or her mouth? Why don't you ask this person to offer a short comedy sketch that is wedding related and tasteful to loosen guests up and get them chatting amongst themselves. To make it more original, get this person to work the floor having chats with pockets of guests and cracking them up with his jokes and little anecdotes.

Crazy Dancer

Everyone loves to watch other people having a fantastic time on the dance floor and more often than not, it gets us in the mood to have fun as well. Consider hiring someone who looks and dresses like a regular guest but breaks into the weirdest and most exciting dance moves every now and again and even pulls guests onto the dance floor to join him or her.  Go further by asking him or her to make up slips and falls periodically in the most awkward positions ever and that should get guests laughing their heads off.

Treasure Hunt

If you're having a big venue, stage a short treasure hunt and at the end of the hunt, the winner should find a complete non-prize like a really smelly pair of boots or a pair of giant size knickers.  Don't forget to give the winner an actual present after the guests have had a really good laugh at this poor unfortunate person's expense.

Sketch Artist 

Employ a sketch artist; who instead of sketching your guests, creates a sketch of someone else entirely and when the guests complain that this is not them, this person should state that 'they are totally committed to their art and they have only sketched what they can see'.  For example, get them to sketch your size 20 Aunt Edna as 'Wonder Woman' and watch her blush like no man's business.  Don't forget to tell the photographer to capture these amazing moments.

Wedding Trivia

Have something akin to a pub quiz where guests are asked wedding trivia questions and the best table wins.  Find 20 wedding trivia questions in our article '20 Popular Wedding Customs and Traditions Explained' and make sure to use the funnier ones.

We hope you find these useful.  Have you got any funny wedding entertainment ideas you can add to these ones.  We'll love to hear your ideas and comments.

Many blessings,

Lisa xxx

Estilo Moda Bridal and Occasional Wear
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